Wednesday, November 11, 2009

I don't get this...?

Okay I see people posting this like crazy (the riddle below this). and then people are like.. THE ANSWER IS NOOO! But i'm not asking you to solve the ridle.. I'm wondering. how is the answer no?!

I turn polar bears white

And I will make you cry.

I make guys have to pee

And girls comb their hair.

I make celebrities look stupid

And normal people look like celebrities.

I turn pancakes brown

And make your champane bubble.

If you sqeeze me, I'll pop.

If you look at me, you'll pop.

Can you guess the riddle?

I don't get this...?

Because the only question in the whole thing is "Can you guess the riddle?" so the answer is no. None of the other things are questions.

I don't get this...?

LOOK at the last sentence you silly!!!!!!

I don't get this...?

people say no because the question is can you answer the riddle? and they can't answer it so they say no.

I don't get this...?

Because you're actually answering the question "Can you guess the riddle?"--the last line of the "riddle".

I don't get this...?

This is a hard riddle. At the end of the riddle it asks if you can guess this riddle. Thats why people are saying no. Because they can't solve it. Read it closely.

I don't get this...?

read just the last line.

the answer is no.

get it now??

happy thanksgiving :]

I don't get this...?

the last line is asking if u can solve it

so the answer to that question is no

I don't get this...?

i really don't no

I don't get this...?

The answer is no because the question is Can You Guess The Riddle, not solve the riddle.

I don't get this...?

I only see one question mark and the answer to that question is no.

I don't get this...?

ohmigod can u figure out the riddle no u cannot and that is the answer no and now u just wasted five points because no u cannot figure it out kinnygardeners told them no the cannot get it while college folks sat there trying to figure it out the answer is no i cannot get the riddle

I don't get this...?

The answer is "time" actually...;)...

I don't get this...?

The answer is NO! All you have to do is answer the question!

I don't get this...?

i turn polar bears white = no you not, god create them like that

and i will make you cry = no i don't want

i make guys have to pee = no you don't

and girls comb their hair = no that is their habit

i make celebrity look stupid = no you can't make them look like stupid

and normal people like celebrities = no you don't have the power

i turn pancake brown = no that is their natural colour

and i make your champange bubble = no i don't want bubble in my champange

if you squeeze me i'll pop = no you will not pop

if you look at me. you'll pop = how can i pop with you looking at you nooooooo

I don't get this...?

its not asking what am i.... its asking if you can guess the riddle and you can't so the answer is no. :)

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